Friday, September 26, 2008

Hello. Or really, good morning. Just felt like writing a new blog. Really random, I know. But yeah.

So this week has been pretty crazy. Well, so have the past few weeks. Mostly because of school. it's a busy place. Lots of reading, lots of homework. Made some friends which is good. Found a few cute guys that happen to be really cool. Like M. He's funny and really easy to hang around with which is good. And there's J. He makes me laugh a lot. Can't help but smile when he's around. Only problem is he has a gf. Which just kinda sucks. Every time I find someone who makes me smile and laugh and feel good, theyt have a gf. Really sucks.

So there are my guy complaints. Oh wait, I have one more. Why are there no hot emo boys in Ottawa? Seriously? How hard is it for them to go to Carleton? I want to see some around, but there are none anywhere! I like them emo boys in their tight pants and their long hair. But noooo can't have any in Ottawa. Can't have any going to Carleton. Blows. Just blows.

But other than that, life's been pretty good.. Nothing terribly intersting happening really. I'm currently at Katies. We had a little girl's night. Watched Sex and the City (Movie) and then Maid of Honor, which was quite funny. She's gone upstairs to sleep and I'm downstairs on my laptop, watching Supernatural. Yes, I did find the new episode, so I can talk to you about it Laura! Once you like wake up and come online. I probably won't even be able to sleep anyway so I'll just do whatever until morning. Probably would have been better to stay home and sleep in my own bed, but it was fun. I met Katie's brother. Kinda hot. Yup. But like old. so yeah.

Anyways, I think that's all I've got for now.If I have mor eto say I'll write it later! Bye for now.