Thursday, December 11, 2008

Makes me laugh over and over and over. Awesome.

Oh and I watched Tropic Thunder today. Actually I only watched half of it cause I found it really really boring. So I watched Anastasiainstead :)

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Yum...chocolate orange :)

So I have this story on about Twilight (duh), and it's like the Cullen's reading the book, and there are quite a few people that actually read it, which makes me feel very special :). I posted a chapter and then went downstairs for like 2 hours, I come back up and have 29 new emails, all about the story lol. And there are still more coming! It's crazy.

It made me forget about that stupid boy for a while, which i very good thing.

There's nothing like random strangers telling you that they like something that you do to make you feel better. :)

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

There is a small cut in my ear and it's really irritating me. I can't even put my headphones in that ear without them hurting... grr

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Finally finished the English essay. So that means I only have 1 more essay and 2 exams until I’m done the semester. And after that I can party it up, work lots to get some money, and chill with friends. Awesome.

And now I shall complain a small bit. I really hate it when he doesn’t text me back. I understand that he doesn’t really like texting and he’s busy and all that crap, but still. I don’t want to be that annoying nagging girlfriend whose like, omg why didn’t you text me back, and blah blah blah. But I would like to know that you’re thinking of me, and since I can’t get on the phone often because I’m in class, at work, or my family is sleeping, texting is a good way to show that yeah I am being thought about. I get worried when he doesn’t text me back like all day cause then I feel like maybe he doesn’t really care about all that much and that scares me. I don’t need to be his first priority or even his second. I just want to be one of them.