Sunday, April 19, 2009

Sunday Slacking

I love just sitting on my couch watching movies in my pjs. Makes me feel so comfortable. I like watching classic type movies. Like A Walk To Remember which is more of a girly classic movie, and Romeo + Juliet, which is just so good. Soon I'll be watching some Audry Hepburn, Starting with Roman Holiday, then Sabrina, and then Breakfast at Tiffany's. Exciting :)

I think I should do this every Sunday.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

It’s amazing how the one person you would do anything for would never ask you to
You leave me speechless
And without a clue
It’s all because of you
It’s when you walk though the door
And just start to smile
It’s when you look into my eyes
And I can’t think
It’s when you kiss me
And I can’t breathe
It’s when you play guitar
And I just melt
It’s when you leave
And I fall apart
That’s when it hits me
And I can’t take it anymore
Cause I can’t live without you
It’s when you text me
And I feel like screaming
It’s the rose you gave me
That sits by my bed
And gives me hope
To get me through the next day without you
It’s the way you inspire me
And I can’t get you out of me head
It’s when I can’t sleep
And picture your face
Cause I can’t live without you
It’s the way you drive me crazy
And I fall for you

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

3 Things That Happen When You're Happy

There are three things that happen when you're happy. You start to feel all mushy, you can't think straight, and then you start to smile. Soon you won't be able to stop. And life just feels like there is nothing that can go wrong. It's drawing little hearts all over your papers. You're high on this happy little cloud and there is nothing that can bring you down. Hold on to it. Don't let it go. Cause some things just don't last forever.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

"I'm here because of you. You're my priority. Your happiness, in some fucked way, is tuned in to mine. Get that through your thick skull. Would I like it any other way? Hell, yes, but I don't think that will be happening in my lifetime."
- Jonah Griggs, On The Jellicoe Road

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Over-Thinking is a problem

Everything was great until I started thinking.

UGGGGGH I'm just not happy.

There's this guy I've liked for about a year. And I work with him. (yeah yeah I know). He's about 6 years older then me, but it really doesn't feel like that big of a deal. And for most of the time I have known him, he has had a girlfriend. He recently broke up with her and now we're sort of going out.

And I was very very happy.

Until my mom started talking.

She said stuff about how he just broke up with his girlfriend, and therefore I should be careful.



And now I'm just over thinking it. And it's just going on and on. It's just not good.

I wish I could stop thinking. It would be so much better if my brain would just stop and let me be happy for once. Damnit.

Why can't I ever let myself just be happy without finding some reason that I can't???