Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I hate boys. Seriously.

What is wrong with them??? Yeah, I've got some boy drama coming your way.

First, why is that the guys you don't like hang around and never get a hint? Okay, you've asked me out so many times and each time I say that I'm busy or something of that sort, and yet you still ask! Get a hint and stop! I even like blatantly ditched him today for another guy (Yeah more about THAT crap later) and yet he's still like, oh yeah it's okay we'll chill later... I'm like, uh yeah not gunna happen. Like ever.

Second, why do they flirt with you one week, and like almost ask you out, and then go away for a weekend and then come back and not talk to you for a whole freaking three hours, then chill with you for an hour, and then go back to ignoring you?? What is that? Seriously, I really like this guy, and last week was so great, we were really going somewhere, and then he went home for the weekend and comes back and doesn't seem to be into me anymore! Did I do something wrong? Seriously what the hell? I'm not too happy with this arrangement going on here. Maybe it will be different tomorrow. Oh god I hope it's different tomorrow. But like better different. Not worse different.

Damn guys. I just can't figure them out.

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