Monday, November 10, 2008

Why can i not do anything at my house? And why is that you want me to live like you did when your life sucked. You had no friends when you were my age.You only did homework and had no life. You ended up with only one friend and now all your friends are through someone else. Sorry I turn out to be a preppy happy ass cheerleader, or a loner like you, or a nerd like Nick. Sorry I turned out to be someone who likes to have friends, doesn't think homework is the center of the world, and I would actually like to hang with my friends instead of with my family. Sorry I didn't turn out like you wanted me to. Sorry I'm not exactly like you. Can't you please just leave me alone to live my own life? I'm 18. And I plan on moving out as soon as I possibly can. I need as much space away from you as I can get. Oh and I don't give a damn about how much in debt I'll be. i only stayed here for dad. I could really care less about the debt issue cause I just want to be away from you.

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