Murder for the Vengeance – Twilight Academy 1
Plane rides suck. They are long and there is absolutely nothing to do on plane rides. It’s worse when you have to ride a plane alone, going to some boarding school that you don’t know, and the flight is 6 hours long, taking you from your nice home in Ottawa all the way to London, England. A whole ocean away from your friends and family. Plane rides suck.
I can’t sleep on planes. I end up staying awake and being extremely bored the whole damn flight. Thank god for my iPod though. If I didn’t have that…Oh man. Currently it’s playing Crushcrushcrush by Paramore. I closed my eyes, listening to the music.
Somehow, I had managed to get into some crazy exclusive boarding school overseas. Of course, it’s not a high school. Oh no. It’s a university. So not really a “boarding school”, but it was very exclusive and everyone lived on campus. Apparently it was run like a high school..? I had no idea. I had never even heard of it when my parents, all happy and excited, told me I had gotten a scholarship and was going there for free.
Oh and the tuition for this school? Oh yeah, that was about $100,000. And by dollars, I mean pounds. As in multiply that by about 3 and that’s how much it is Canadian. Basically I somehow got a free ride to this school.
Oh if I could trade that scholarship for actual money….I’d be living a good life.
Who the heck pays that much for their child to go to school anyway????
One more thing about this school: They sent a private jet to take me there. As in it lands right at the school. I have a feeling this school will be in a castle and all nice and pretty…. Maybe it will be Hogwarts… Ha ha imagine…
The plane took off, and it was really smooth. I can’t say I’ve ever been on a private plane before, so I don’t really know how they fly… I have been on a plane before, and I’ve taken this journey to England twice. This was the first time the plane took off and it felt like nothing. It was nice. Maybe I would be able to sleep. And hopefully the food will be better.
The plane ride wasn’t too bad. It was pretty gentle, and the food was actually edible. I managed to fall asleep for part of it, and so it didn’t really feel like such a long flight. I woke up about 20 minutes before we were supposed to be landing. I took this time to go through my stuff to change.
My parents believed that this school, being highly elite and such, would be very preppy and high class, and so I had to “dress the part”. So I was in this nasty skirt-suit in this horrible pink colour. Basically, it looked completely terrible, and very not me. So I stashed some clothes in my carry on and now I could change my clothes.
I went into the bathroom (Which was oddly roomy) and quickly took off the horrible monstrosity that was supposed to be clothes. I pulled my hair out of its boring pony tail. I put on my red and black mini school girl skirt with the big silver buckle. I put on a black halter top, and a tie that matched my skirt. I mussed up my hair, letting the red layer underneath the black show through. I put in my little red bow clip in it. I put my lip piercing back in, same with my left eyebrow ring. I pulled on my big black lace up boots with the large heals. They were my “hooker-ass-kicking-I-could-kill-you-in-five-seconds” boots. I loved them.
All dressed up now, I washed off the “pretty in pink” make up and put on my regular stuff. Dark eye shadow around the eyes, a little bit of glitter as well. Some dark red lip gloss. Volume pumping mascara. Change those earrings to something better… Some angel wings.
I looked quickly in the mirror. Perfect. I could care less what these people there think. I just hoped I’d be able to find someone who wasn’t totally preppy so that I could have someone to talk to there.
After landing, the attendant got my bags and brought them inside. I was left to follow some other guy (Didn’t catch his name. He talked fast), and he brought me to see the Dean.
I was right, it was a castle. A really, really big one. One that looked like the Palace of Versailles. Only grander. And less shiny. It was less white and more with the black and reds and other colours. Sort of a gothic version of it I guess.
I followed the guy through the large, ornate doors, through a grand hallway (the “Grand Entranceway” I was told), which had a large chandelier and lots of old looking paintings on the wall. I wanted to look at them, but I had to hurry to keep up with the guy. He walked really fast. We went up this stairway that was hidden behind a large painting of horses running. After climbing the stairs, (I hate stairs with a passion. I really hoped there was an elevator somewhere in this place.), we were at a plain wooden door, which I was told to wait by until the Dean called me in. The guy left, and I was alone, staring at this wooden door, waiting.
I looked around. The walls were made of stone. There were no paintings, or any sort of decoration around. Just the stairs and a door. I started picking at my nails, seeing as there was really nothing else to do. Just then the door opened, and this really young guy stood there. He was average height, with dark brown hair, wearing jeans and a collared shirt. He looked about 25, and damn. He was drop dead gorgeous.
“Ah, Shannon. Good to see you. Come in.” He said in this silky smooth voice. Wait a second. Was he the Dean?? He was so young! I stumbled in after him, a little shocked that he could possibly be the Dean. Seriously! So young! So hot! No! Can’t thank about him that way. Not a good way to start the year. Get a grip Shannon!
“Have a seat.” He gestured to a chair, making my internal rambling stop. I turned to where he pointed, and saw a nice comfy looking seat. There were two, and a desk in front of them, and a chair in which the Dean sat. I took the chair closest to me and continued to look around. The room was simple. Round. There were a few bookshelves, and a few paintings, but it was mostly bare, save for the large window over-looking the grounds. I hadn’t seen much of the grounds but I imagined they were going to be stunning, breathtaking, much like the rest of the school.
“So welcome to Twilight Academy. I’m the Dean, name’s John Winchester. Just call me John.” He smiled a nice friendly smile. “You’ll find that this school is very different from any school you’ve been to. Our classes are unique, as well as our staff and student body. There are things here you will discover that you could never find anywhere else. And I have a feeling a few things will shock you at first, but I’m sure you’ll get used to them. You should fit in well here.”
John stood up and headed to the door, motioning for me to follow him. “I’ll take you down to the cafeteria, where you will meet your roommates. You’ll be in a suite style room, meaning you have your own room, then a shared room with three others.” We were walking back down the stairs, and then through the Entranceway. “The rooms here are much larger than the normal dorm rooms, and it’s really like your own apartment. I especially like the room you’re in. One of my favorites. And one of the biggest. Usually saved for our scholarship students.”
Sweet. Biggest room. I liked this school so far.
We walked through the Entranceway and had come to two large doors. John pushed them open, and stepped inside. I followed, and then stopped. I looked around at everyone there. My heart actually stopped.
There had been a distinct chatter in the room, but it all stopped when I walked through the doors. I couldn’t breathe. How could someone leave out this obviously huge detail in their description of the school?
I scanned the crowd, hoping I was wrong, maybe I had missed something. But I hadn’t. I looked to John, he was smiling.
“Sorry Shannon, I guess we forgot to mention. Twilight Academy is an all boys university.”
Well, shit.
Monday, March 2, 2009
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