Saturday, February 7, 2009

Quotes Pages 13 - 18

Travis: “alright that I will do, but yea I’m going to wal-mart now woot”

Travis: “ready for a hot abortion flick?”
Sam: “Bring it on!!”

Travis: “What the fuck at naked women?”

Sam; “I might have jumped at my phone vibrating...”

Sam: “Blah. S’all I got to say. What the fuck singing?”

Sam: “I wish I was a vampire... that would be so cool... what the eff is going on in this movie?”

Sam: “keep rubbing that shit in my face and I’ll show you friends....”

Sam: “Aww muffin.”
Travis: “its buttercup thank you”

Sam: “psh you don't know me! You don't know ma baby's daddy! That works better spoken...It needs one of those snaps.”

Sam: “no I’m not...I can't sweeten my own coffee (Fuck you peanut get out of my head)”
Sam; “I try not to creep people. It’s creepy.”

Sam: “man I’m having like a coughing war with my family. it’s like, one person coughs, then another one tries to out-cough them... it only works cause we're all sick. I’m losing horribly”
Josh: “That’s a good thing.”
Sam: “Probably.”

Josh: “klajl;kjsd;lfkjhjsldkjfhlakjhsdkjlhkljahfklhskldfhklsdfkljahkjlhsdkjh”
Sam: “Why?”

Josh: “kgfkgg”
Sam: “ohhhhhhh boO!”

Josh: “have u ever told you that you're stunningly gorgeous?”
Sam: “have I ever told myself that? Yes obviously...”

Sam: “joshhhyyyyyyyyy”
Josh: “I’m busy, Shh.”

Sam; “Omg stop creeping her!”

Josh: “you want me to sleep with her?”
Sam: “I think it would be funny.”
Josh: “u have a weird sense of humour...”

Sam: “I’m bored so I’m reading about serial killers....yeahhhhh”
Josh: “WHAT? Wtf? Sam, you’re scaring me...”
Sam: “bored Sam likes to read about people killing each other...I like the unsolved ones cause they’re all like mysterious and shit.”

Josh: “What? WHAT?”

Travis: “he’s to busy listening and talking about haloween”
Sam: “Halloween.”
Travis: “Fuck you.”

Sam: “silence of the lambs........I’ve never seen it...I kinda want to....which is weird”

Travis: “Omg he’s part of the real world.”

Josh: “Slut. Jokes.”
Sam: “That makes no sense.”

Sam: “that is chilly wonder you're chillin... Ha ha I’m so funny...”

Travis: “we’re all impressed josh can use a computer”

Travis: “who is the portable radio?”

John: “Alex is portable radio”
Josh: “As usual. Alex is a whore.”

Alex: “i just got back from doing laundry..what the fuck is this smishmorshon?”

Sam: “Sam is confused.....but I also have ice cream...”
Josh: “Sam don’t show off its rude.”

Josh: “I’m stoked for this convo.”
Mike: “I hate your guts.”

Adam: “let's have a discussion of 18th century Norwegian literature”

Jenn: “now that Adam’s here I don’t feel comfortable”
Josh: “Jenn you’re being rude.”
Adam: “I get that a lot.”

Alex: “im anti abortion.. but pro killing babies”
John: “Don’t be that guy.”


Adam: “I think.”
John: “Do you?”
Travis: “yea not quite.”

Sam: “Travis ate my food!”
John: “Ha ha go Travis!”

Travis: “Yo, you people aren’t guys?”
John: “I am John! What!?”

Adam: “Sal wanted to know if my passport identifies me as a Christian”

Adam: “I actually had to tell him that you cannot drive to Cuba.”

Alex: “say "no but it does let me ride the 'religious crusader's' section of the plane”

Adam: “he was talking about Silons”
Alex: “"the shylouns .."”
Travis: “Wtf is bsg?”
Adam: “Don’t even.”
Alex: “Cylons you illiterate bastard”

Adam: “spelling and reading are two different things”
Mike: “Asian people drive bad”
Alex: “vrooooooooooooooosh”

Travis: “you’re a silon”

Alex: “it’s funny because i have josh's MSN nickname as "Patty O'Newell".. so every time he talks it makes me laugh”

Adam: “Alex. Did you know.”
Mike: “That.”
Adam: “at the end of Ocarina of Time, when you fight Ganon (not Ganondorf, but Ganon)”
Josh: “The worked out sadly well.”
Adam: “you can beat him by hitting his tail with Deku Nuts?”
Mike: “NOW YOU KNOW! Bill Nye ftw.”

Travis: “josh you’re a douche”
Josh: “I did.”

Travis: “look who decided to show up”
Mike: “Unicorns.”
Travis: “No no unicorns allowed.”
Mike: “Why not?”
Travis: “they'll be killed and turned into expensive dog food”

Josh: “yo k, if i invite Brea, will u children behave?”
Mike: “Yes.”
Adam: “...”
Mike: “NICE BREASTS. Oh wait...”

Sam: “I need another girl!! Too many guys!”
Mike: “Sexually.”
Josh: “That’s what she said.”
Sam: “Mike is right.”
Mike: “Clearly.”

Mike: “our typing is like a spaceship”

Adam: “let's just pretend I'm a girl”
Travis: “yea invite her lets have some fun”
Adam: “(I remember when my uncle told me that when I was six years old...*shudder*)”
Travis: “i don’t no if she can read as fast as we can type any way”
Adam: “ wrong. Travis, take out ‘as fast as we can type anyway’ and we’re good.”

Adam: “there are no electrical outlets in the kitchen!”


Mike: “Religion is not genetic Josh.”

Travis: “Sam you have the least relevant comments”

Adam: “One f Josh, one f.”

Travis: “Adam is always professional, almost to professional”
Tom: “Too”

Josh: “wow, what is this a grammar lesson?”

Mike: “A show about Arabs?”
Adam: “Starring my roommate.”

Josh: “Mr. Adam, how do I tie this strap of dynamite to myself?”

Tom: “I believe Josh could be a modern day Prometheus”
Josh: “...”

Travis: “condoms are flawed hence why josh was born”

Travis: “my god this conversation is anarchy”

Adam: “so we started talking about jelly”

Josh: “what do u want from me?”
Mike: “Muffins.”

Travis: “calling people stupid only makes you stupid, don’t call names, use your words”
Sam: “Those are words Travis.”

Travis: “shut up mike you’re a fallacy”

Josh: “A.D.D or what kids?”
Adam: “ADHD for me please.”
Sam: “ADD right here.”

Josh: “secrets don’t make friends”

Josh: “yo, someone give me some good irish fold music to listen to”
Adam: “I don’t have any of that. I have a picture of a tiger with Down's Syndrome.”

Adam: “we should make a comic book. With a super hero called chromosown. Who gives people different hereditary disabilities?”

Sam: “I like cereal! I killed the convo. I feel special. *dances*”
Josh: “... u are special, and not in a good way. Jokes.”
Sam: “Ouch Josh.”
Travis: “yea for real”
Sam: “You too??”
Travis: “No.”
Sam: “Why do I talk to you people???”

Sam: “i am always witty. I’m wittastic. Oh yes.”
Josh: “Oh god no. Don’t start making up words now, ya hear?”
Sam: “I don’t make up words, you just don’t have the 2199 dictionary! YES. i have a dictionary from the future. It’s cause I pown you. Yes I did just say that.”

Josh: “You crazy.”
Sam: “It’s not me, it’s me brain!”

Sam: “there’s supposed to be a happy face instead of a J. Wtf? How did that happen?”

Sam: “and i totally realized that i talk to myself a lot.”
Sam: “oh crap im doing it again...”
Sam: “uhhhh”
Sam: “I mean”
Sam: “WHAT?????”
Sam: “And we're done....”
Sam: “For now...”
Sam: “yes, there was a NA at the end of that”
Sam: “yeah I’m cool like that”
Sam: “all the cool kids listen to Bach”
Sam: “Seriously though.”
Sam: “Im going to stop talking to myself...”
Sam: “Righttttttttttt”
Sam: “Now!”
Sam: “Bam!”
Sam: “I’m done.”
Sam: “:o)”
Josh: “... what?!”

Sam: “LMAO I did not just picture a bunch of girls throwing themselves at your feet and then you standing there all smug like...... for some reason there was a golden throne in the background and you had a cape on....hee hee”

Sam: “it was random how it just popped into my head...I almost laughed out loud...not cause of the whole girl thing cause it could happen, but at the expression on your face... oh man”

Sam: “uhh uhhh uhhhh uhhh uhh omg i want tea. Lmao that rhymed!”
Josh: “...what?”
Sam: “I have no idea.”

Sam: “if you can handle it”
Sam: “I don’t think they can handle this...”
Sam: “ body too bootlicius for you!”
Sam: “I mean...”
Sam: “I didn’t start singing that”
Sam: “Shut up.”

Sam: “omfgmdhaskjfhdsk. I love this song. Why have I not listened to it in so long?”

Sam: “You called me a popcorn whore! You bitch!”

Sam: “I thought it said these are my hands. I was going to be like, good job Josh.”

Sam: “then they could have made one pair black and one pair white and you could mix if you wanted to....AND WHAT ABOUT THE POOR ASIAN KIDS??? they get nothing :(“
Josh: “Fuck the Asians.”
Sam: “aww...I like the Asians...the Chinese not so much....but other Asians....well actually mostly just Japanese people.....”

Sam: “he says he wears them for rowing...I think he just likes to prance around in tights with the underwear on the outside and cape, jumping from his bed saying I AM SUPERMAN!”
Sam: “yeah I’m that cool that I can come up with stuff just like that :P”

Sam: “est tu...there? I don’t know how to say that in French...”

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