Monday, June 30, 2008

Arijana: You be trippin'

Sam: You be Crazy

Arijana: Excuuuuuse me?

Sam: Damn straight

Arijana: I'm not sure I follow.

Sam: Maybe you should try harder

Arijana: Ouch. Uncalled for.

Sam: Squirrel.

Arijana: You wiiish.

Sam: No, YOU wish

Arijana: You tell lies.

Sam: Your face tells lies

Arijana: We're overrrrrrrr!

Sam: We never started!!

Arijana: then you won't be offended if we... never.... talk..... again....

Sam: What makes you think we're talking now?

Arijana: everything.

Sam: Everything? Or nothing?

Arijana: both, of course

Sam: of course or OFF course?

Arijana: everything in between.

Sam: In between where?

Arijana: Here and your imagination

Sam: You can see my imagination?

Arijana: No. but I imagine myself leaving facebook.

Sam: Fine, take your banana!

Arijana: I Will, you tool box!

There is another lovely conversation between me and Arijana. We have weird conversations. Yeah, I haven't blogged in a while mostly because I haven't done much. Though on Sunday I did go see Wall.E. Which was really funny and awesome. There were these two cute emoish guys who we walked past on our way to our seats, and then once we sat down, they totally moved in front of us. Basically awesome because yeah they were really cute. :D

So I haven't much the past few days. I worked, saw a movie, then stayed home and watched Charmed. That's about it. Oh I also watched Cheaper by the Dozen 2. Tyler Lautiner is so cut. I can't wait to see him in Twilight. I basically want to give him a really big hug. He's so adorable!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

lol oh God

Lindsay: Oh my....this has gotten A little out of hand don't you think? haha
271 *ninja*

Sam: Only a LITTLE out of hand??? Where have you been??

Lindsay: HAHAHAHAHA! ok ok ALOT out of hand....Actually I don't think it was ever in hand haha

Sam: I don't think there ever was a hand in general...

Lindsay: ....Good point lol

Sam: I thought so

Lindsay: Yes....indeed. :D

Sam: Yes........

Lindsay: ahhaha oh boy here it goes again *shifty eyes*

Sam: It's just going to go on and on and on and on and on and on and I'll stop now...

Lindsay: Jen's going to be getting alot of e-mails because of this lol

Sam: We should just keep spamming it... Tis fun... :D


We're close to 300... we should just keep going and get to 300 tonight

Lindsay: Lol Yes I agree! To 300! haha

Sam: And then, once we get there, we should just not comment for like a month just to be random

Lindsay: HAha! That might be hard to do...not commenting for a month.....but I like the idea lol

Sam: Well, maybe not a month but you get the idea... And if someone else comments on here, we should ignore them for a while.. that would be.. I actually don't know

Lindsay: Hmmm...Interesting I'll think about it haha

Sam: Well, think long and hard over it... but not too hard. Your brain might implode.

Lindsay: Lol yeah...that’s almost happened before O_o not fun j/k

Sam: lol I witnessed it happening to a duck. he was thinking about bread and then this black hole suddenly showed up, swallowed him, and disappeared... It was crazy!

Lindsay: HOLY CRAP! Poor ducky... :(...he never stood a chance Bread is a huge time consuming topic lol

Sam: That it is! It makes black holes...

Lindsay: Oh my....that’s the last time I think about bread the same way again

Sam: Be careful when you eat it. Don't start to think about it. It could kill you! :O

Lindsay: *gonk!* ok....think happy thoughts....not bread but :O Chocolate! Mmmm.....Ok I think I'll survive lol

Sam: Yes, chocolate is good!! Yummy

Lindsay: Yes it really is :D *eats a Hershey kiss*

Sam: I'm eating those too!!!

Lindsay: LOL! Awesome! Aren’t they good! haha
299 :O!!!!!!!!

Sam: They are awesome. And now that we have hit the amazingness that is 300, I shall go to sleep because I'm tired and I have to work tomorrow! Bye! <3!
300 (I'm tempted to write 300 out 300 times..)

Lindsay: LOL! Alrighty Later Sam have a good night! <3

*The next day*

Jen: Facking Jebus guys. I got 44 updates T_T
lol. -.-'
302 lol. (What have I done T_T)

Sam: Ha ha Jen! We did that on purpose. It was fun :D

Lindsay: Lol! Yes it was fun :P Sorry Jen....:D

Sam: We love you so much that we sent you many many emails!! :D

Lindsay: Yes....*Shifty eyes*.....that’s it haha

Sam: lol Lindsay had other plans

Lindsay: What! no I don't....haha :P

Sam: You know you did

Lindsay: HAha....maybe *ninja*

Jen: =_=

We started this conversation on a picture on facebook, where everyone comments, and then we started counting the number of posts we had, hence the numbers. I'll probably post more random pieces that I find later. But I was reading through and found this part. The duck was the part that made me laugh. Who knew I could be so funny?

I'll find more later, but I have to get ready for work now so bye!!!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Oh my goodness. I am finally done.

I graduated today. It was a long and often boring time, with all the people parading across the stage and then all teh awards and the speeches. the only good speech was Johnny's because it was funny. And then it was over and we took pictures and got our real diplomas.

Then I came home and opened my grad presents. I got the full series of Red vs Blue and Supernatural season 1. Afterwards we went out to the Lone Star for dinner.

And when I got home, I registered for my courses next year. It's all done. I even have Fridays off. :D I have a major in history and a minor in art history which really isn't very much the history of art, more like artifacts and such. Hopefully that will be interesting.

So yeah, that was basically my day. I'm not very descriptive but nothing crazy interesting happened today. Well, i guess grad was interesting but there's not much to say about it... So I guess I'm done for today! Maybe I'll write more tomorrow.. But probably not seeing as I have nothing planned to do tomorrow. But maybe something will happen. You never know!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

I hate work.

Just got home. Our GM lectured me on stupid things that I never got in trouble for before. And he was being annoying and strict so no one could really talk even though the store was basically empty. We always talk when no one is around but he was being a jerk and wouldn't let us. So all in all it was really boring and really long. And I have a headache. So yeah.

Now I shall go to bed because I am tired and my head hurts. Tomorrow I graduate! Sweet dreams peeps!
Ow. I bit off my nail. Not on purpose of course, but still, ow. And I really don't want to work tonight. Our general manager is coming back after a two week vacation and I have a feeling he won't be very happy. But Adam is working tonight so it shouldn't be too bad. Adam is fun to work with, what with his complete random-ness.

And of course I am back to Charmed. Woot. Season 4. This is where Paige comes in. I like her much better than Prue. But I'm pretty sure I said that already. Hee hee.

So anyway, onto what I've been doing the past few days since I haven't really blogged in a while. Not since last Sunday. So let's see...

Monday: I stayed home and did nothing. Well, actually I watched Charmed. Of course. That's what I always do pretty much. And I think when I am done Charmed, I'll watch Supernatuaral, and then... I don't know! lol. What else did I do Monday? I think that was all actually. Yup. Moving on...

Tuesday: My Philosophy exam. I got to school and went into the chapel with everyone and tried to study. that honestly didn't work too well. We started quoting Mean Girls. It was fun. Then we had the exam. It was pretty easy actually. The essay question was whether ww choose the blue pill or the red pill from the matrix. I finished it in 45 minutes. And then I went home and had to go to work. So it was a pretty boring day actually.

Wednesday: I went to Kyle's and we watched Mean Girls and hung out. Allie, Laura, Cass, and Amanda were there as well. It was fun but I had to leave early for work. And the pretty much sucked.

Thursday: I did nothing but worked again. I sat at home and chilled until I had to get to work. A boring day.

Friday: I had my Data exam in the morning. I pretty much bombed it. I started making up numbers and I doodled a bunny. Our teacher sucked. He didn't teach us anything. I had no idea what I was doing. Afterward, I got my makeup from Bree and went home. Didn't do much afterward.

Saturday: Chilled than went out for dinner with my dad and John because it was his birthday so we went to the Keg. I had a regular steak and it really wasn't very good. But the potato with bacon was good. So was the dessert. I had a brownie sundae. It was delicious.

Sunday: Didn't do much on Sunday. Not that I remember so it must not have been anything important.

Monday: That was yesterday. I figured out how to log in to Carleton so I could register for my courses. I can't actually select them until tomorrow but at least I know where to go now! I also went shopping downtown. I got a purple American Apparel sweater and my metallic red jacket, also from there. I got a dress from Trivium and sun glasses. And a CD. It was a productive day.

And then today, I got up and I showered and now I am watching Charmed. Then I have to work. but that's okay because the next time I work isn't until Saturday. I'll be complaining about that later, but for now I'm okay because I have the next few days off. Tomorrow is my graduation, so I'll be a little busy. I probably won't write much tomorrow until it's all over.

And now supper is almost ready so I have to get ready for work. Grumble grumble. I'll write more later. Maybe when I get home if I'm not crazy stressed. Love ya!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

I have chocolate, I have chocolate, yes I do!

Wheeeeee chocolate rush... Well, it's more of a Charmed and Chocolate rush. lol not a good combination at 9 in the afternoon.. when your eyes are the size of the moon... la la la.... Woot. Ha ha. I'm going crazy. This is fun. I have a feeling I'm going to be up for a while. So... More Charmed! More Chocolate! And maybe more blogs that make no sense! Wooottttt Yup.

Ha ha I'm so crazy. I should stop eating the chocolate but it's just so damn good... Damn you chocolate! You are my heroine! Addicting... Ha. Yum. I think I'll stop going on and on about chocolate.




Does anyone know what that is? I remember Kyle and I looking it up on Google, and it took us soo long to find it, and we found it, and there were a bunch of different kinds, but now I forget what it was. So, if anyone knows, could you please tell me? That would be awesome. Thanks. Oh and what has nougat in it anyway?

It's totally Raining. Oh, and Llama

Yeah, it's pouring out and the thunder is very loud. Squee!

So I talked to my parents about university. They were no help anyway.

My dad also took me out driving so I could get some practice on the highway. Oh what joy. Not really. I pretty much hate driving. And the highway was crazy, cause there were these two animals that were almost slaughtered in the middle of the road. Blood everywhere. I found it hard to drive after seeing that.

But, the good news is I convinced my dad to go to the Hershey Factory. We got chocolate. Lots and lots of chocolate! YAY! I love chocolate. And on the way there, we passed by a group of goats and a llama. Lol, llama. That is such an awesome word.

Llama llama llama. Tee Hee.

I think that's it for now because I don't want the power to go out again and then I would lose this and I don't want to write it again cause I'm lazy. I'll write more tomorrow.

Je Pense le chocolate

Yes, that's right, I'm thinking about chocolate. Why? Because I want some and there is none in the house. Which basically sucks. I want chocolate. I could, of course, get up and go to the Quickie and get some, but I'm way to lazy to get up.

Besides, I'm watching Charmed. Again. I love that show. I've decided that this summer, I'm going to watch every single episode. I don't know how I'm going to watch season three because I kinda don't have it. Maybe I'll be able to find them on Veoh. I would say YouTube but that never helps really. But yes, I will be watching every episode. I'm currently on episode 12 out of I don't know how many. But it probably won't take long until I'm done, because I've really got nothing else to do. And I kept typing a w instead of an e right there. that would make else into... wlsw... Which doesn't make any sense... But yeah whatever.

lol Jen just signed into MSN. I just remembered something I was talking to Laura about before. Jen broke up with her boyfriend Cooper (Who looked insanely creepy. Sorry Jen, but he did!). And then we were discussing Jen and Kyle's relationship, and the thing is, Jen kinda treats Kyle like crap, and all this bad stuff happened, and yet Kyle still talks to her. So does Amanda. And they tell her more than they tell us. Which is kinda sucky because we thought they would maybe tell us, the people who don't treat them like crap, those things. But whatever. Laura and I said it was like an abusive relationship. Kyle is the innocent defenseless girl with too much love to give, while Jen is the power hungry abusive man. We thought that was kind of funny. Th emental images are just too much.

So I think summer is going to be long and boring. But I really don't want to start univerity. I'm slightly scared about that. And I have no idea how to register for my courses. Do I have to get my student ID card beforehand or can I register without it? I have no idea. Ah I'm kinda scared about that. I think I need to talk to my parents and go over everything I got in my package, so maybe I'll do that today. Or maybe I'll do that like now. I think I will. Then I might be back to write more because it's fun writing down all my thoughts, even if no one reads them. :D Love.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Numero Uno

Welcome to the crazy ramblings of, well, me! Woot, it’s me. I don’t know. Whee!

Yeah, random. But that’s what I’m best at. Gah my elbow is so itchy. And I’ve applied that anti-itch cream on it every few minutes, and it’s still not working. I got a bug bite from walking in the forest. Ah, the forest. Tis lovely. I always walk the path from the entrance near the school, then when I reach the bridge I walk off the bath and across a little river type thing that’s probably more like a stream, and then walk over some logs before reaching a clearing.

Voila! C’est ca!

Isn’t it lovely? Yes, I think so. It’s nice to just walk there and sit and think. But there were bugs and one bit my elbow, and now I’m sorta addicted to the anti-itch cream, but it doesn’t really help much but whatever.

I’m watching Charmed. I’m currently on episode 5. As in, in total. Season 1. Episode 5. The one where Pure is haunted in her dreams by the crazy dream man. He is slightly creepy, not gunna lie.

Just so you know, I have no idea why I’m writing this, I just kinda felt like it. I just kinda want to write down all my random and crazy thoughts.

Like, earlier today, I kept thinking that I wanted cheesecake. But I don’t really like cheesecake, so I thought that was kinda random. I still haven’t had any. Not cool, considering there is one in the fridge which is very cool. Lol at the double meaning there… Ha. Silly me. But anyway, yeah, I kept going, I WANT CHEESECAKE but then I was too lazy to actually get up and go downstairs to get it. I’m such a lazy bum.

I was also thinking about someone…. And when I went to Wal-Mart, I kept looking for him, but he wasn’t there. I’m gunna give him a name, not his real name, just something else so that, it’s like, anonymous and shiz. Let me think… Maybe… I think Alex would work well. Yes, let us call him Alex.

Yeah, I look for him everywhere pretty much. I’ve liked him since last year. Unfortunately, he used to date on of my friends, and last year, when I said that I thought he was cute, she kinda started telling me why I shouldn’t like him. Stuff like he does drugs, and just wants to sleep around, but, honestly, I really don’t care. It kinda makes him more, I dunno, awesome? I guess I like the bad boy type. As much as I say that I don’t like when people do drugs or smoke, but with him, it’s different. Like it makes him who he is. He doesn’t do the drugs anymore, but he still smokes. But he doesn’t smell like he does. I only know this because he was talking the girl I was talking about before (They’re still friends), and I was standing pretty close to him and he didn’t smell like smoke at all. So yup.

But there is one last problem. There is a very high chance that I won’t ever see him again. That makes me sad. See, he goes to my school, but he’s a year younger. I rarely saw him outside of school, hell I rarely saw him in school. Now that I’m pretty much done school, and will only be going back to do my two exams, then I’m more than likely never going to see him again. It’s basically really sad because I really liked him. Fuck my life.

I think that’s all I’m going to say for today, but I may write more tomorrow. Not entirely sure yet, but I’ll try!