Sunday, June 15, 2008

It's totally Raining. Oh, and Llama

Yeah, it's pouring out and the thunder is very loud. Squee!

So I talked to my parents about university. They were no help anyway.

My dad also took me out driving so I could get some practice on the highway. Oh what joy. Not really. I pretty much hate driving. And the highway was crazy, cause there were these two animals that were almost slaughtered in the middle of the road. Blood everywhere. I found it hard to drive after seeing that.

But, the good news is I convinced my dad to go to the Hershey Factory. We got chocolate. Lots and lots of chocolate! YAY! I love chocolate. And on the way there, we passed by a group of goats and a llama. Lol, llama. That is such an awesome word.

Llama llama llama. Tee Hee.

I think that's it for now because I don't want the power to go out again and then I would lose this and I don't want to write it again cause I'm lazy. I'll write more tomorrow.

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