Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Oh my goodness. I am finally done.

I graduated today. It was a long and often boring time, with all the people parading across the stage and then all teh awards and the speeches. the only good speech was Johnny's because it was funny. And then it was over and we took pictures and got our real diplomas.

Then I came home and opened my grad presents. I got the full series of Red vs Blue and Supernatural season 1. Afterwards we went out to the Lone Star for dinner.

And when I got home, I registered for my courses next year. It's all done. I even have Fridays off. :D I have a major in history and a minor in art history which really isn't very much the history of art, more like artifacts and such. Hopefully that will be interesting.

So yeah, that was basically my day. I'm not very descriptive but nothing crazy interesting happened today. Well, i guess grad was interesting but there's not much to say about it... So I guess I'm done for today! Maybe I'll write more tomorrow.. But probably not seeing as I have nothing planned to do tomorrow. But maybe something will happen. You never know!

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