Sunday, July 20, 2008

Hello. I haven't blogged in a few days. So here's what's been happening the past few days.

I drove to Montreal on Thursday. When we were there, we had lunch at the Hard Rock Cafe. Afterwards, we went shopping. I get a shirt and a dress type thing that works more like a trench coat from Urban Outfitters. There was a really cute emo guy at the cash. Yay. And then I stopped in Quicksilver, and there was this guy who worked there that looked kinds like Ryan Sheckler. And of course all the other guys that worked there were hot as well. :D I bought to tee shirts from this little store called Bang On. One of them is the same one that Mikey Way has. Which I thought was pretty cool. And we stopped in Foot Locker and I found these really nice Converse shoes with a pretty design on them, but I wasn't allowed to get them... :( But I will get them here since there are Foot Lockers in Ottawa. So I will get them! :D

I watched Camp Rock with Cass on Wednesday. Laura couldn't come but Tina did. So we watched it. And it was awesome. I love that movie.

I worked yesterday, and it was boring. During one of my breaks I went to Wal Mart to visit Cass. We went to the back because she was going to go on break. And at the back, I saw "Alex" as I call him. He apparently works there. I pretty much freaked out. It was the first time I had seen him in quite some time...

And that's all I've got for now! Laters!

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