Sunday, July 13, 2008

So time to somewhat explain that last post. Sort of... anyway

Honestly, who would someone pretend to be your good friend for THREE years and then practically ignore you later? To talk to you like you're just an acquaintance. Someone you don't really talk to.

And to be so "tight" with someone whom everyone always seems to like so much more than me. The only people who don't like her more than me are the people from my work, but that's because they don't know her.

I'm not mad at her. I just don't get it. She's quiet and doesn't seem like the kind of person who everyone wants to be friends with. I'm not saying she's not a good friend because she is but stil.. I try to be funny, nice, outgoing, and not crazy quiet. But still, it's all like, "[She should] hang out with me!", "Do this with us" and never Sam, hang out with us, let's do something. It's bullshit. I feel so pushed aside to make room for her. It's not fair. I hate it. I hate feeling so alone. And I hate that I couldn't be myself around any of them.

The only one I can be myself around is someone from work. It's strange, but I don't know.

Damn this funky mood I'm in. It's driving me crazy.

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