Sunday, July 6, 2008

So yesterday I was talking with Laura and looking up Twilight icons. I have so many, it's unbelievable. And I was like, aren't you excited for when the book comes out and I get all crazy hyper again?? She was like... I guess.... Meaning she totally won't want to talk to me because I'm too crazy hyper for her lol. But it's cool!

So yesterday I went to work. Boring. When I got home I watched Across The Universe. I like that movie... :D

And today I work, which I should probably be getting ready for, and then after work, I'm going to hang out with Cass. I haven't seen her since graduation. I haven't really seen anyone since then... Blah. But tonight I get to hang out with people! YAY! I'll write more later probably.

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