Friday, July 11, 2008

Whew. What a day.

I didn't do much until I had to go to work. And when I got there, I immediately knew Adam was having a bad day. :(. Jarlin and I got to make a paper display which ended up being as tall as both of us. But it was fun because we talked and it passed the time.

After work I hung out with Adam and Matt. We went to pub in Manitick where Adam had a beer, Matt had chicken, and I had coke. Beforehand we were at Wal Mart and I saw a poster from camp Rock of Joe Jonas and I was looking at it, then they were like... Weird... They didn't know who it was lol

After the pub, we went to Adam's house where Matt and Adam went searching for some form of drinkable alcohol. It was very hard because it was Adam's dad's house and everything they drank they had to replace. And everything was old and basically un-replaceable. After the great alcohol search, they went around trying to find some form of cable to hook up a computer to a projector. They found one eventually and Adam put on a pizza. We watched Bleach (wtf is with that show? So strange.. but then again I only saw episode 130ish and some other ones so yeah). So we watched that and ate pizza. After watching some episodes, they put on The Office, but we didn't get far because dad called and made me come home. I was supposed to go home at 12, which was when we were making the pizza lol. So I was an hour and half late, but I was allowed to stay at Adams, but my parents are stupid and were like, come home now!. Which sucks cause I'm 18, it's summer, and I have nothing planned for tomorrow. BAH! Alright. I'm done for now. It is 2 am now so maybe I should sleep lol. Even though sleep is usually hard for me come by. But whatever. Night! Or morning. Whatever! <3

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