Wednesday, January 14, 2009


So I have decided that maybe University isn't exactly for me, so I want to switch to Collage. So I talked to my parents about it and they said that it was fine to apply. So i applied for Pre-Music Production, which is the course I have to take before taking Music Production. If I get in then I get to go, and if not, then I will be staying at Carleton. I'm hoping I get in because I think it would be awesome. Though I would miss everyone I have met at Carleton... And I really do love everyone there. But, you know, I can make new friends there too... Oh man...Maybe there will be some new hot guys in those classes...Cause, you know, that's all that really matters ;P. But yes, I have applied and now I will have to wait like, 2 or 3 months before finding out. But hey, I gave it a shot. Either way works for me really. Though I'm not so big on the whole essay thing. I'm not that good at it lol. I think I'm going to go back to playing games now lol


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