Sunday, January 18, 2009

Quotes pages 7 -12

These are mostly me and Josh lol. Took me two night to go through our conversations... And that was just on my laptop!!

Sam: new song
Sam: i spelt dancing wrong again lol
Sam: text message!
Sam: Text message answered!
Sam: And you're still not done!
Sam: Jesus you’re slow
Sam: I though guys were supposed to be faster than girls
Sam: I almost wrote fatter lol
Sam: yes I (L) this song
Sam: :)
Sam: seriously man...
Sam: slowpoke much
Sam: good
Sam: fucking
Sam: song
Sam: come on itunes!
Sam: know what I want to listen to!
Sam: yayyyy
Sam: lol we started singing this song yesterday at Adam’s... that was so random and funny... Justin needs to put his pictures up
Sam: I want to see what I look like with that awesome sward I stole from Jason...:P
Sam: wow msn works but internet fails
Sam: goddamn it
Sam: other computer!
Sam: oh wait!
Sam: it works. yay
Sam: but why oh why is it so damn slow???
Sam: faking jesus!
Sam: lol he's married to Arijana
Sam: good times
Sam: maybe it'll be faster on the desktop....
Sam: hurrryyyyyyy upppppppppp
Sam: talking to myself is fine but not for so long!
Sam: Never coming home, never coming home...

Josh: “Hey.”
Sam: “Oh, it’s you. Damnit.”

Josh: “You do know Obama’s black right?”
Sam: “Yes, I’m not a retard...”

Sam: “An outline should look like an outline I think.”

Josh: “Boo”
Sam: “AHHHHHHH *runs away from scary ghost*”

Josh: “I got bunnies on my mind... sweet, soft bunnies. They bring chocolate to your house, didn’t u know?”

Josh: “Why is he dead? That’s a shitty way to start the movie!”
Sam: “Movie? Way to go...”

Josh: “God hates us.”
Sam: “I KNEW IT! Damn.”

Josh: “I will NOT stick that in my juice box, it’s icky.”

Sam: “Woah now, I’m very confused. I have no idea what I just read...”

Josh: “you’re supposed to be my music suppository where everything is stored.”
Sam: “Do I look like HMV to you? Psh, whatever.”
Josh: “Only a little.”

Sam: “OH MY GOD I LOVE THIS SONG! ...Ahem...Anyways...”

Sam: “Kill me now. Please. I hate this book.”

Josh: “Take that!”
Sam: “uh okay *is scared for Josh’s sanity*”
Josh: “You’re only NOW scared for my sanity?”
Sam: “*Is on the phone with the nice doctors with the white coats and the big needles* They’re nice people, no need to panic.”
Josh: “And the nice jackets? Yay!”
Sam: “Yes, the ones where you get to hug yourself.”

Sam: “Be right back...Nevermind..”

Sam: “how I miss weather....what a lovely paragraph...stupid book...”

Josh: “I feel like killing time in the bathroom...That came off really weird...”
Sam: “...I don’t want to know what you do in the bathroom when you’re bored thank you very much... I get enough of that from Adam...”

Josh: “You make it sound like I’m retarded...”
Sam: “... :p”
Josh: “God hates you in particular. Above all others, he hates you.”
Sam: “Yes, and? The devil loves me more than you.”
Josh: “Means he’ll only torture you that much more.”
Sam: “no no. I help him with torturing others, we be tight.”
Josh: “That’s a little too kinky for me.”

Josh: “I’m sorry to hear that.”
Sam: “What, that I’m not getting drunk?”
Josh: “No, that you’re abusing drugs.”
Sam: “Oh.”

Josh: “She devil. You’re the fucking spawn of Satan.”
Sam: “Okay ”

Sam: “I’ll be back. Like Arnold.”

Sam: “I’m back....Where are the kittens?”
Josh: “Dead.”
Sam: “What?”
Josh: “Why did you ask about kittens?”
Sam: “What kittens?....No seriously, what kittens??”

Josh: “Just do it so I can call you black.”

Sam: I forgot how good looking Joe Jonas is...
Sam: lmao
Sam: I’m silly
Sam: I’m not watching family channel at 12....
Sam: (8) Josh is never coming back, never coming back
Sam: seriously boy wheredjago?
Sam: ............helloooooooooooooo?
Sam: *echo hellooooooooooooo*
Sam: *oooooooooo*
Sam: damn
Sam: seriously
Sam: I won't be here all night
Sam: WHERE DID YOU GO????????

Sam: “I’m black again. OH MY GOD! I’m like Michael Jackson only opposite. And no little boy touching.”
Josh: “Oh my god I was just going to say that!”

Sam: “...and you’re not here again...”

Sam: “You said got, not god...”
Josh: “Oh shut up.”

Sam: “I’ll just be over here...Commenting on the show...”

Sam: “You are....hmm....A turkey!”

Sam: “Ryan, stop being mean to Josh. That’s my job.”
Josh: “Thanks for the backup...”

Sam: “People are going to get Holocausted.”

Josh: “I’M NOT A GIRL!?!?!”

Sam: “Oh man, I’m like dying...*cough cough dies*”

Sam: “Yeah, I got nothing for ya. Why did I just look anyway? I got my own work to do!”

Josh: “Everyone is a bad singer on msn...”

Sam: “... I wasn’t just on my bed dancing to Miley Cyrus...”

Sam: “BAAA! I’M A SHEEP! ...I think I win...”

Sam: “candles, flowers, chocolate, and sparkly vampire..... Wait, one of those isn’t real...”

Sam: “Uhh...Kris is talking about math...I’m confused...”
Josh: “And you’re telling me why?”
Sam: “i don’t know.”

Sam: “You still here?”
Josh: “No.”
Sam: “Aww fine then.”

Sam: “Brb, something in my house is burning.”

Sam: “What did Africans trade with Europeans?”
Josh: “Their lives.”
Sam: “No... besides that.”

Sam: “I have the random craving to go out and buy crayons or pencil crayons and a colouring book and just colour for hours......”
Josh: “Do it!”
Sam: “I want to...I know we sell colouring books and such at staples.....and I would go out and get them but that would require me to get dressed......”

Sam: “....I started a sentence and totally blanked on what I was going to say... I got to The then...nothing...I got a text and got distracted. Maybe I should turn my phone off... Psh, no way that’s crazy talk!”


Travis: “Tim? Tim? Tim?”
Sam: “TIMMEH!”
Travis: “ha ha ha ha”
Sam: “Gobbles?”

Sam: “Tim is... JOSH! Tell him who Tim is!”

Sam: “Oh snap! Someone just got shot dead!”
Josh: “Sam, I just said you fail. Oh you mean the movie...”

Travis: “Shortness can be terrifying.”
Josh: “Only on a bad day.”
Travis: “Oh just any day she feels like it.”

Josh: “unno, I bet I could take Sam, but something tells me she's the kinda girl to sneak up and kick u in the balls from behind sorta thing”
Sam: “I would never do that! I would kick you from the front so I can watch you in pain :o)”

Josh: “Travis, you’re a huge woman sometimes.”

Sam: “Josh, do you have a gun with you?”
Josh: “No.”
Sam: “Fuck.”
Travis: “you guys are silly.”

Travis: “how’s Sam going to reach is throat? lol, ask him to bend down for a second”
Sam: “or i could just kill you first then use your limbs to beat him to death”


Sam: “Uh, it’s like bubbly? I don’t know how to explain it lol”

Sam: “Yes, I am insane...What’s your point?”

Josh: “Popcorn whore.”

Josh: “Hello.”


Sam: “omfg i cannot land on the goddamn hippo! I hate you Tarzan!”
Josh: “You are wicked at wickedness.”
Sam: “Damn straight.”

Josh: “I want to cut her fingers off.”
Sam:”Break her computer into pieces.”
Josh: “Break her FACE into pieces.”
Sam: “Break HER into pieces...”

Sam: “well whatever. I’m not paying attention. I’m feeding rice to the hungry. i am saving the world. TAKE THAT CLASS!”

Josh: “I can see me writing lol”

Josh: “well we went chair shopping at Lazy-boy and that just set the pace for the rest of the night.”
Sam: “Yeah, it would.”

Sam: “why are we capturing Amanda and Liam?”
Josh: “What the fuck?”
Sam: “have you been paying attention at all?”
Josh: “no.”

Sam: “I’m a topic change ninja”

Sam: “Ha ha your face.”

Sam: “sorry. my stomach just grumbled....WHAT DO YOU WANT DAMNIT IM GETTING YOU FOOD SOON SHUT UP”

Sam: “hello. I cannot find the cup. Well damn”
Josh: “What cup?”
Sam: “The one I needed to find. Oh found it.”

Josh: “you empty headed troglodyte”

Josh: “you said TIT!!”
Sam: “Oh, very mature.”

Josh: “do you have a secret evil twin that eats fish heads?”
Sam: `Yes.”
Laura: “lol”
Sam: “She scares me.”
Josh: “Do you think she’ll try to replace you?”
Sam: “...sometimes....:S brb need to shank her with a fish... BACK YOU FEIND!”
Josh: “lol”
Sam: “Okay, it’s all good.”
Josh: “Epic battle?”
Sam: “Very.”
Josh: “Ha ha ha”
Sam: “She’s back in the wall now.”
Laura: “lol I’m never going to your house.”
Sam: “lol but you’ve been here so many times before”
Josh: “and never knew!?”
Laura: “lol never”
Sam: “well don’t worry she’s moving out soon...going to the nice place with the men in white jackets and padded rooms :)”
Josh: “and she can hug herself all day long?”
Sam: “Yup.”

Sam: “He is annoying.”
Josh: “Just like Travis.”

Sam: “codeworrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrdddddddddddddddd...DEAN”

Josh: “Hey.”
Sam: “yo yo. Yoyo! Oh man I wish I had one...”

Sam: “At akk”

Josh: “We win at life.”
Sam: “That’s one for the quotes pages...”

Josh: “shut your life. (Yeah that’s right, I didn’t say mouth, because it’s too big for you to close... it'd take the anti-jaws of life)”

There will be more! :)


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