Thursday, January 15, 2009

Film Class ...2...

I already made a post called film class so this is number 2 i guess.

Talking about the movie...That I hardly watched. Woot.

And Travis is telling what kind of boxers he is wearing. How nice of him.

I finished my Philosophy in this class. I felt productive.

Wow, I never knew that there was time where there was no talking in films....Fucking tool of a teacher! oh man... He also expected us to know the complete geography of Africa. And he though we were all born in the early 80s. Cause we all look like 25....idiot...

It's really cold out.

And there is like no one in class. I think about 10, 11 people maybe? Usually like 30 people in class. But whatever. Okay 10 minutes left then food. Then I'll probably write more in philo cause I'll be bored and I forgot a movie lol


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