Monday, January 12, 2009

Before going to work

Ha ha in class I made John and Adam look up Hobo on Wiki. They were reluctant but they enjoyed it in the end...that sounds wrong lol

I am so hungry but the pasta will not cook fast enough! Oh man..... Oh shit I need to call Kris...

First I shall find out what he is doing os that I know if it is a good time to call. unlike what he does which is just call me at 1 am.....and he never called yesterday at all like he said he would. damnit.

Oh he's going to play the drums. That means he will ignore for a few hours...and then be like....what cha doing....waiting for you to fucking answer! lol oh no wait, he's going to call when he's done...chances are that will be when I'm at work lol

Cook faster pasta! I am hungryyyyy

Oh yay it's done. okay eating time.

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