Thursday, January 15, 2009

Philosophy Class ...2...

Ha ha I need more original titles for these things lol

So, Kris ditched like I thought he would. And now I have just given up on him. So now I have to move on... damn that whole moving on thing. But at least I won't getting so easily frustrated with him like I was before.

ha ha Travis :p

And no I won't say anything cool about you

I laugh at your nose!!! HA HA

Aw I'm listening to City and Colour and remembering seeing him live with Laura.... "Marry me!" oh good times, hoping the fire alarm wouldn't go off again. I miss concerts with Laura. :( I miss Laura in

this class is boring and I'm not paying attention... There was a point when we were talking about lie, we really were. I actually think I'm going to write more of my story that I was working on yesterday. Later


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